Cunxi(Jimmy) Dai

I'm a MSR student at CMU RI. I'm fortunately to be advised by Prof. Ralph Hollis. Previous to CMU, I worked with Prof. Zhenzhong Jia, Prof. Mingming Zhang at SUSTech and Prof. Hugh Herr at MIT Media Lab.

Email  /  CV  /  Github

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I'm interested in mobile manipulation, robot perception and control.

*Equal Contribution

Wheelchair Maneuvering with a Single-Spherical-Wheeled Balancing Mobile Manipulator
Cunxi Dai*, Xiaohan Liu*, Roberto Shu, Ralph Hollis,
IROS, 2024
arXiv / YouTube / New Scientist

Wheelchair maneuvering with Ballbot that balance on a single-spherical wheel.

SWheg: A Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot With Minimalist Actuator Realization
Cunxi Dai*, Xiaohan Liu*, Jianxiang Zhou*, Zhengtao Liu, Zhenzhong Jia,
in submission
arXiv / YouTube

Minimalist actuator realization of a wheel-leg transformable robot with tendon-driven transformation wheel module.

Swhegpro: A novel robust wheel-leg transformable robot
Cunxi Dai*, Xiaohan Liu, Zhenzhong Jia,
ROBIO, 2023
Paper / YouTube

Robust design of a wheel-leg transformable robot for high-payload context.

SWhegPro3: A Three-Impeller Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot with Variable Robust Adaptability to Stair Dimensions
Haoran Wang, Cunxi Dai*, Xiaohan Liu*, Zhenzhong Jia,
ROBIO, 2024

Three-Impeller wheel-leg transformable robot with variable robust adaptability to stair dimensions.

Human-Exoskeleton Misalignment Reduction on Knee Joint via an RPR Mechanism-Based Device
Cunxi Dai*, Peiwen Fu, Bin Zhong, Kaiqi Guo, Mingming Zhang,
ICARM, 2022 (Best Paper Finalist)
Paper / YouTube

Knee joint misalignment reduction with an RPR mechanism-based device.


Power Management Module and Force-Sensing Tendon for 2-DoF Ankle-Foot Prosthesis
MIT Media Lab, Biomechatronics Lab, 2023

Template from Jon Barron.